There are a total of three (3) parts to complete, as follows:
Part A – consists of an extended response question.
Part B – consists of short response questions.
Part C – consists of an extended response question.
Securely attach your answers on separate sheets that clearly identify the question to which you are responding and number the pages in sequence. At the end of each answer, allow adequate space (at least 6-8 lines), for the teacher’s comments and feedback.
You will be assessed on how well you interpret each task request and how you structure each according to layout, sequencing and by providing all relevant and applicable details for each task.
This is an ungraded unit. Your result is based on the evidence you provide to meet the criteria for competence as specified in the unit of competency and grading criteria. You will receive a result of Achieved Competency (AC) or Not yet Competent (NC).
Information on how to submit your assignment is located on the OTEN website under your OLS log-in.
Part A: Extended response question
Research and report on inbound visitors to Australia from one of the following countries:
· Korea
· Japan
· United States of America
· India
· Germany.
Your report should include the following information about your chosen visitors:
· predominant religion—explain how religion could impact the workplace e.g. holy days
· typical family structure
· family obligations and social obligations—are men and women given equal status?
· customs, rituals and holidays observed
· communication, forms of greeting and level of formality
· festivals and other important occasions celebrated
· main common language(s) spoken
· food preferences and particular dietary requirements
· how these visitors dress or attire themselves
· differences in work ethics.
Part B: Short response questions
Question 1
Visitors from various countries and cultures often have varying levels of English language skills. Some will have a good command of English while communication with other clients may be difficult, particularly during informal discussions.
Suggest five (5) strategies to overcome language barriers and improve communication with clients with varying levels of English language skills.
Question 2
Describe at least four (4) issues why a misunderstanding or conflict in the workplace can occur due to cultural differences.
Question 3
Explain the strategies that should be taken to resolve these particular cross-cultural misunderstandings.
Question 4
Identify four (4) support services that are available to assist us in dealing with clients or colleagues from different cultural backgrounds?
Part C: Extended response question
In your own words write an overview of the obligations an employer has to an employee with a disability under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1987. Your response should be approximately 200 words.
LA013728 Assessment; SITXCOM002A Ed3
© New South Wales, Department of Education and Communities 2011, Version 3, December 2011
LA013728 Assessment; SITXCOM002A Ed3
© New South Wales, Department of Education and Communities 2011, Version 3, December 2011
LA013728 Assessment; SITXCOM002A Ed3
© New South Wales, Department of Education and Communities 2011, Version 3, December 2011