The work system method is most effective when used to resolve a practical issue or investigate an opportunity within an organization. By stating a problem or an opportunity, we begin the process of utilizing the work system method. We then define the scope of the system’s analysis. Have you recently resolved a problem or pursued an opportunity? You might have such experience as an information technology developer or as a business user. Please use it as the experience for a work system analysis for this assignment, defining the scope and elements of the system as illustrated in Figure 2.1 and on pages 14-16. Additionally, you must create a snapshot of the identified work system. On page 17 of the textbook, you can find Figure 2.2 as a reference. Please prepare your report using the assignment template. Please double-check the work practice identified is accurate and consistent with other elements as indicated in italicized guidelines for internal consistency in Figure 4.3. 

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Introduction of the Work System

Please describe the background information of the problem/opportunity as well as the related organization or its units. The problem/opportunity cannot be fictional/imagined and must exist. In other words, the work system method must be used to analyze a real case, not fictional case.

Please describe the scope of the work system to adequately analyze the problem/opportunity… the scope could consist of one or more departments, i.e. IT & Marketing, or an ERP system of the organization, etc…

Work System Snapshot

Please identify basic component elements in your work system as well as its customers and products & services. In addition to Figure 2.2, you could refer Figure 4.4 to 4.9 as examples.

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Please add the problem/opportunity statement here…..


Products & Services


Work Practices (Major Activities or Processes)

· Please summarize the work practices in 7 to 10 steps….





Other elements

Please identify environment, infrastructure, and strategies of the work system

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