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read Valerio-Jimenez, “Getting Un-Hitched
along the Rio Grande: Mexicans, Anglos, and
Divorce in chapter 3 then

write a short formal essay (700 to 1000 words)
that connects the readings to the in-class
lectures/discussions and answers one of the
following course questions: Who is in charge,
how are they maintaining power and how are
people resisting and rebelling against that
power? You will have 5 unit summative essays.
You will need to respond to each of these
questions at least once. All essays should have a
concise argument that addresses the chosen
question and uses evidence from the assigned
readings, class lectures, and discussions to
support the argument. The conclusion should
include a connection of the course material to
current issues in the United States today.

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My discussion

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The lives of the Mexicans living around the borderland evolved slowly;
for example, the author explained that when a couple used to seek
Mat-Hage reconciliation, the court followed their Catholic doctrine. Based
on these doctrines, a couple in a marriage should not be separated. The
situation was biased towards women because it restricted them; they
regained their legal rights and independence. Divorce was not allowed in
Mexico until civil law in 1917. The Rio Grande society experienced a lot
of changes during the 19th century. American annexation changed the
lives of Mexicans living in the ceded territories. Mexican citizens were
becoming Mexican American, and they lost political, economic, and
social power to newcomers. Women lost the right to reconcile their
marriages in court. However, the possibility of divorce gave a new venue
for Mexican Americans to end their problematic marriages. Gradually,
Mexicans left their Catholic church teaching and adopted the Texas legal
system. The evolution of these laws gave more power to Mexican
American women. Even though the change harmed Mexican Americans
in political marginalization, land dispossession, etc., it also created many
new opportunities. The borders divide the distinctive legal system from
both sides, but it retained the social relationship of people living along
the borderland. It can be said that the constant change in legal structure
caused a lot of challenges in the lives of Mexicans and Mexican
Americans living around the borderland. Still, it also created a lot of
success for people, especially for women.

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