Section I
1. Name the two layers of the epidermis consisting of cells without nuclei. Stratum corneum and stratum lucidum
2. Name the major cell type of the epidermis. kertainocyte
3. Other than the cells listed in question 2, what other cells are found in the epidermis? Melanocytes, Langerhans cells and Merkel cells.
4. Name the accessory organ of the skin that consists of a filament of keratinized cells. Hair
5. What skin type contains these structures?
6. What is the name of the oblique tube in the skin where these structures are located?
7. Where on the body surface are these structures not found?
8. Name the skin layer that lies deep to the epidermis.
9. What tissue type does this layer consist of?
10. This layer consists of two structural layers. What are they?
11. What fibers located in the dermis give strength to the skin?
12. What general sensory reception occurs through the dermis?
13. How are these stimuli received?
14. Name two other functions of the dermis not mentioned in these questions.
15. Name the integumentary layer located deep to the skin.
16. What tissue types are found in this layer?
17. What structures are located in this layer?
18. Name three functions of this integumentary layer.
19. What are two other names for this layer?
20. Name the deep fascia of the thigh.
Section II
1. Name the structures that are scalelike modifications of the epidermis.
2. What are the two functions of these structures?
3. What is the name for the distal edge of these structures?
4. Name the part of the nail plate that consists of layers of compacted, highly keratinized epithelial cells.
5. What layer of the epidermis does this structure correspond to?
6. What is the name for the epidermal fold along the lateral edge of the nail plate?
7. Name the structure that consists of the stratum corneum of the proximal nail fold.
8. What is another name for this structure?
9. What structure does this structure overlie?
10. What is the name for the proximal part of the nail plate?
11. What is its function?
12. Name the growth zone of the nail that contains mitotic cells.
13. Normal nail growth is _______________ mm/day.
14. Which grow faster, fingernails or toenails?
15. Where do the muscles of facial expression insert?
16. Name the four functions of this structure.
17. Name the skin layer deep to the epidermis.
18. Name the two functions of the epidermis.
19. Name the five epidermal layers of thick skin, from deep to superficial.
20. Name the structure that provides nutrients for the epidermis.
21. Which of these five layers is absent in thin skin?
Section III
1. Name the structure responsible for hair growth.
2. Where is this structure located?
3. Name the filamentous, pigmented, and keratinized structure that projects from the epidermal surface.
4. What is the function of this structure?
5. Name the angulated tubular invagination of the epidermis containing an inner epidermic and an outer dermic coat.
6. What is its function?
7. List the characteristic parts of this structure.
8. What structures are associated with a hair follicle?
9. What is another name for the arrector muscle of the hair?
10. What is included with the apocrine gland secretions?
11. Name the simple, saccular holocrine gland with ducts opening into the hair follicle or onto the skin.
12. Name two locations where these glands are not found.
13. Where on the body surface would you find thick skin? Thin skin?
14. Name the structures found at the interface between the dermis and the epidermis.
15. What is the function of these structures?
16. Describe these structures.
17. Define avascular.
18. Name the layer of the epidermis that creates a barrier to liquids.
19. What relationship does your skin have with household dust?
20. What is the meaning of the Latin word cornu?
21. Where do the replacement cells for the sloughed stratum corneum cells originate?
22. The stratum corneum consists of _____________ layers of cornified dead cells.
23. Name the layer of the epidermis present only in thick skin.
24. What is keratohyalin? Where is it located?
25. What is the function of the stratum spinosum?
26. The cells from which two layers of the epidermis are responsible for the turnover of epidermal cells?
27. Name the deepest layer of the epidermis.
28. What is another name for this layer?
29. What is the function of this layer?
30. Name the layer of the skin consisting of stratified squamous epithelium.
31. The cells from which epidermal layers lack nuclei?
32. Name the two types of sweat glands. What is the difference between the two?