Write a C++ program

Write a program in C++ (using carryover low-level features of C) that will partially implement an abstract data type bigInt allowing for unsigned integers of up to 64-bit length. Your program should accept from an input file pairs of unsigned hex constants of up to 16 hex digits each. For each pair print the two constants, their sum, and their product to an output file. Leading zeros are optional.

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The arithmetic should be the 64-bit integer arithmetic summarized on the following pages. High order overflow bits (beyond 64 bits) should be truncated, but any sum or product resulting in such truncation should be followed by the character ‘T’.Use the following pairs for your test data (see/use the provided input file). Graduate students must create additional test pairs to more fully exercise the 64-bit abstract integer data type.

COSC 4340 – COSC 5340
C/C++ ADT Programming Assignment
DUE DATE: Thursday, 19 October 2023
Write a program in C++ (using carryover low-level features of C) that will
partially implement an abstract data type bigInt allowing for unsigned
integers of up to 64-bit length. Your program should accept from an input
file pairs of unsigned hex constants of up to 16 hex digits each. For each
pair print the two constants, their sum, and their product to an output
file. Leading zeros are optional.
The arithmetic should be the 64-bit integer arithmetic summarized on the
following pages.
High order overflow bits (beyond 64 bits) should be
truncated, but any sum or product resulting in such truncation should be
followed by the character ‘T’.
Use the following pairs for your test data (see/use the provided input
file). Graduate students must create additional test pairs to more fully
exercise the 64-bit abstract integer data type.
The following pages should serve as an outline for the logical design and
structure of most of the project.
Although some of the design reflects a
traditional functional approach, your implementation should facilitate the
overloading of the typical arithmetic and input/output operators. Assuming
32-bit unsigned integer implementation, the class declaration of the 64-bit
abstract data type bigInt might appear similar to that below.
Be sure to follow the techniques of good programming style and use extensive
comments to provide for internal documentation of your source program
For evaluation of this programming assignment, you will be
required to provide your source program file(s), input file, and output file
(or snapshot of output) via Canvas submission. Please submit these
deliverables on or before the assignment due date.
class bigInt {
unsigned int loworder;
unsigned int highorder;
int overflow;
friend ifstream& operator>>(ifstream& in, bigInt&);
friend ofstream& operator

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