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There are 4 write-up topics available, out of which you can choose 1. You can find them at the end of this section.

Some guidelines:
1. You must submit your write-up by 02/02 (noon).
2. Write-ups have a strict word limit of 600 words. You will be penalized for exceeding the
word limit. However, please note that very short submissions (typically around 450
words and less) tend to do poorly as well.
3. Please include the word count at the top of the document (e.g., “Word Count: 576”).
4. Please omit the standard introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Instead jump right into
the topic. Also, assume that you talk to someone who has done the readings, so no need
to define concepts and/or refer to academic literature.
5. Please upload your essay as a Word file via Canvas (no PDFs). Do NOT enter any
assignment notes. Please use double spacing and 12-point fonts with margins of 1 inch all
around. Name the file with your full name and topic number (e.g., John Doe 2 x).

Essay Grading:
I will grade essays out of 40 points, where 40 is “exceptional” (will be given VERY rarely),
37 is “nearly perfect” and 1 is “unacceptable” (you didn’t answer the question). Most grades
will range from 25 to 35, with 30-35 implying that the essay was very good.


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1. Incentives matter. Find an example of bad incentives in the real world and suggest ways
to fix the problem. Bad incentives are incentives designed to change certain behaviors but
fail to do so. Explain why you think your approach is better.
2. Several studies report gender differences in competitive settings. Discuss ways how you
could mitigate the negative effect of competition on the career progression of women in
corporate settings. Discuss novel ideas, not discussed in class.
3. People tend to share negative experiences at a higher rate than positive experiences on
social media (“negativity bias”). Discuss ways to get people to share also positive
experiences. Use innovative ideas other than just offering payment or other straight-
forward incentives.
4. People tend to pay their taxes at much higher rates than warranted by the deterrence
approach of standard economics that considers audit rates and penalties. Discuss what
factors might be responsible for people’s relatively high tax compliance and discuss ways
of how the IRS could further increase compliance. Come up with your own ideas

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