Writing question

1) Read the following

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and think about the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the job force? After reading the article, reflect and think about your individual plan that can be implemented to reduce your chance of unemployment in a recession with the growing impact of AI/Automation coming into the job force. Your plan should be a 75+ word answer (1+ paragraphs) (10pts). Because AI creates Revenue and lowers Costs resulting in boosted Profits, assume that it would not be viable option to mandate that businesses stop using AI.

2) Fill in the appropriate numbers from Ch7 PowerPoint slides for 1 though 11 (5pts). The power point is uploaded

Chapter 7
Collaboration Information Systems for
Decision Making, Problem Solving, and
Project Management + Automation
Prof Rick Cassoni, CISSP, PMP
Study Questions
7-1 What are the two key characteristics of collaboration?
7-2 What are three criteria for successful collaboration?
7-3 What are the four primary purposes of collaboration?
7-4 What are the Project Management Phases and Tasks?
Extra – What is the impact of automation for information
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
7-1 What are the two key characteristics of
• Cooperation – Group of people working together, essentially
doing the same work (four persons painting a room)
• Collaboration – People working together to achieve a
common goal via feedback and iteration
– Cooperation lacks feedback and iteration loop (faster than
one person individually)
– Collaboration example – One person creates a document
and 2nd person provides feedback / constructive criticism
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
Importance of Effective Critical Feedback
• Members learn from each other.
• Provide constructive criticism—both positive and negative
advice given to improve an outcome.
• Be willing to express different, even unpopular, ideas.
• Avoid groupthink—the desire for group cohesion.
• Collaborator business experience not important.
• Being popular or well organized not important.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
7-2 What are three criteria for successful
Criteria for judging team success:
1. Successful outcome
• Achieve goals and objectives
2. Growth in team capability over time
• Employees develop new skills
• Junior personnel grow in responsibility
3. Meaningful and satisfying experience
• Employees typically quit bosses and not companies (Cassoni)
• Highly skilled workers have a choice (Cassoni)
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
7-3 What are the four primary purposes of
Key is that all of these build on each other (know order)
1. Become informed
– Share data & communicate interpretations.
– Develop & document shared understandings
2. Make decisions
3. Solve problems
4. Manage projects
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
Understanding Decision Making
• Decision Levels
– Operational Decisions—support day-to-day activities
– Managerial Decisions—support resource allocation
– Strategic Decisions—support broad organizational decisions
• Decision Processes
– Structured—solution method is understood and agreed upon
– Unstructured—no understood and accepted solution method
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
Decision Processes
Collaboration Needs for Decision Making
Decision Levels
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
Review 1
• Difference between cooperation vs collaboration?
• (Three) Criteria for judging team success
• (Four) Primary purposes of collaboration
• Decision levels (3) vs processes (2)
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
Project Management Tasks and Data
Lessons Learned
Knowledge Management
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
Using Information Systems to Improve Process
CNBC – Automation
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.
Review 2
• What are the project management phases in order?
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc.

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