Written Assessment: Qualitative Research Plan


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Written Assessment: Qualitative Research Plan

Description for this assessment task, you are required to choose a research topic and plan a  qualitative study to address the topic you have chosen. 

Your assessment must include the following components: 

1. Background (approximately 500 words): discuss the background for this qualitative study and provided justification for why the research is needed (supported by high quality contemporary literature).

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2. Research Question (approximately 100 words): state a qualitative research question on the selected topic that clearly identifies the study population and phenomenon of interest.

3. Methods (approximately 700 words): 

4. Describe an appropriate methodology to address the research question for this qualitative study. 

5. Describe the study population, eligibility criteria, study sample and sampling method for this qualitative study.

6. Data Collection: Describe how you will collect data for this qualitative study (supported by high-quality contemporary literature). 

7. Study limitations and rigour (approximately 150 words): discuss the rigour/trustworthiness and limitations for this qualitative study (supported by high-quality contemporary literature). 

8. Ethical Considerations (approximately 150 words): Discuss the ethical implications for this qualitative study including vulnerable populations (such as indigenous peoples) where applicable (supported by high-quality contemporary literature and relevant state or national research policies).

References: using APA 7th referencing style

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